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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - continuev.


Связанные словари


1) carry on, proceed (with) , keep up or on or at, go on (with) , pursue, persist (in) , persevere (in) : Please continue whatever it was you were doing. 2) endure, last, go on, persist, be prolonged, remain: How long will the curfew continue? 3 maintain, keep (on) , prolong, perpetuate, carry on (with) , persist in or with, sustain, extend: My mother continued her career throughout my childhood. 4) resume, pick up, take up, carry on (with) : Allow me to continue my story and don't interrupt again. 5) proceed, go (on) , extend: The road continues for about a mile, ending at the sea.
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